Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

Black Out

Just got here one hour ago. Ahh,, Japan. What an amazing country. I wonder where is Max.
I try to send him a message, but he still doesn't answer me..

The lights turn on very bright. I walked across the street. Then, suddenly, the streets began to black out. Ow my GOD! All the lights turned off. And the most frightening is I forgot to bring my flashlight. Ow my GOD! Ow my GOD! Ow my GOD! I ran across the streets. I heard a voice just like the voice I heard from the alien in New York. They chase me everywhere I go. What must I do?? Ow,, What must I do!!!

Japan. October 24th, 3000. 20:59:59

There's an Answer

Whoa! There's a message. From Max Maroon. He just answered my message when I sent it 2 days ago. He said, he lives in Japan. He also said the situation in Japan just like here.. Oo.. Creepy..

He said he wants me to come to Japan to get together. What a brilliant idea. Ok.

So, the things I must do are :
  1. Find a sword, a wood design. I love the nature designs.
  2. Check the situation and condition outside.
  3. Be ready with a smoke bomb, first aid kit, and of course foods.
  4. Get to the New York Airlines Flight no. 233 without being caught by the aliens.
  5. Get to Japan.
  6. Find Max.
Must set all the things now, before the aliens do the invasions once more.

New York. October 23rd, 3000. 20:12:55

Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

Time To get Some Food

Haah.. The alien just went away from the building. It's time to get some food.

I have to ready with everything. 
Weapon, ready.
Empty bag, ready.
Jacket, ready.

Ok, time to get going.. Hope they won't see me..

New York. October 21st, 3000. 14:10:47

The Aliens Going into Mall

I was checking the situation outside the house. I saw through the window. Then I saw something. I don't know what it is. It moved so fast. I closed the window with the curtain. Then, I peep through a little hole under the window. 

I saw something strange. Its alive. If you see it, you maybe guess its a raptor. A very clever dinosaur. But its different. I think it is an alien. 

The alien went into the mall. What a weird thing to do. It makes me laugh for a minute. Then, I started to think why the alien went into the mall. Hhmmm. Suddenly, the alien came out from the building and brought a sack of food. Since I don't have any food supply, I think I can take some from that building. Thanks, unknown alien.

New York. October 21st, 3000. 14:04:55


    Hi, I'm Seth Summers.

Thank God that I could find this computer. This is the last computer in the country that I had found. This is also my first message after the tragedy. Yeah, the tragedy. 

The Mankind didn't take care of the earth until some aliens came to destroy the earth. The earth was so broken. The aliens still do their invasion in our home, to take everything. They killed everybody. My dog, friends, even my parents.

Now, I'm alone. I still live in New York, America. For someone out there who read this message, send back a reply to me. I need a lot of job to do. I have to find you who reply me before they kill you, then I have to make so many plan to do to fight those aliens. And the last one, I have to save the earth. To make the flowers blossom. To make the animals and mankind live in peace. I'm not playing. 

New York. October 21st, 3000. 12:58:03